You can use this template to summarise your teaching activity. Examples can be found from our case study pages.
You can use this template to summarise your teaching activity. Examples can be found from our case study pages.
For designing your own project based learning, you can use Data Analytic Framework to frame your activity. For example, in below, 9 hours of activities were planned by considering 1. Defining the problem, 2 & 3. Consider and exploring data, 4 & 5. Drawing conclusions and making decisions.
Although there is no perfect way to teach DA, the following points are worth considering when you design your activities:
(a) Recognising the need for data;
(b) Generating specific questions that can be answered with data e.g. “Does weather affect students behaviour?”; Use gap minder etc. to consider what issues can be explored? We used a group discussions to develop what our students were interested in.
Possible Questions to be Explored
1. Drag and drop data from the table left to the graphs right, and explore tempratures etc. in 2018 and 2019. For example, is there any relationship between daily temprature and daily radiation?;
2. Explore students’ attendance and day, etc. Can you find any patterns?;
3. Explore attendance and temprature, etc. Do you think there are any relationships between students’ health and weather?;
4. Discuss what measurement such as mean, median etc. can be used to represent data?;
5. Summarise your findings by explicitly stating what evidence can be used to state your conclusions? Also what implications can you make based on your findings?
(a) Using data as evidence for generalisations beyond describing the given data;
(b) Expressing an articulation of uncertainty;
(c) Communicating what has been learned e.g. “Students’ attendance might be worse on Friday”, “there might be a correlation between daily radiation and daily maximum temperatures”, etc.
You can ask students to create a summary video! An example is available from here.